Precise Tools
Precise Tools is a Bee Swarm Simulator Calculator/Resource for values that may be very useful and might not be found anywhere else! There are a lot of simple calculations and complex ones too (If I come by any.) PreciseTools is made by Viv (@vivaanmc) on Discord, @Vivaanplay1231 (VivaanRX) on Roblox, and Vivaan-d on github. Some adjustments(Brand Logos, Meta Tag updates) were made by Tahjae (tahj_s) on discord, tahj-s on github, and 3Dultra12345 on roblox. You may DM us on Discord for any suggestions(Tahjae does not always have DMs on).
Get PWA the app!!
Click here to get the Precise Tools App:
Discord Server
We have a Discord server called "Communist Bee Community" where you can join Here (
List of Calculators/Resources
#1: Amulet Efficiency Calculator (AEC/AmuletEC) is a Calculator for calculating how much more efficient (or less efficient) a color's pollen is compared to base pollen
#2: Base Capacity Calculator (BCC) is a Calculator for calculating how much more efficient (or less efficient) a color's pollen is compared to base pollen
#3: Crit Chance Calculator (CCC). more info comming soon...
#4: Percent To Multiplacation (PTM). more info comming soon...
Okay i will update this soon.. soon..................... .............................................................
Suggest something to me to add to this website!: